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Lower Extremity Bracing
Our Orthotist are trained and experienced in all types of custom lower extremity bracing. We can provide cutting edge weight activated locking technology right along with bracing that has been tried and true for generations.
We like to take the time to help the wearer decide what the correct device for their individual situation is. Once we have decided what device is most appropriate we can help you through every stage of being measured, fitted and becoming familiar with your new brace.

Custom Spinal Bracing
Spinal bracing has changed over the years, but the need for proper fitting by a Lisenced Orthotist has not. There are a lot of people that will happily put a brace on your back, but where will they be if something changes and you need your brace adjusted. Most spinal barces are regulated by the Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics and should be fitted or made by a qualified practitioner.
We carry all types of off the shelf spinal bracing and we can custom mold and make spinal orthotics when necessary.

Lower extremity Prosthetics
We are dedicaded to staying educated and up to date on all the latest developements in lower extremity prosthestics. We were among the first in Texas certified in the Genium knee and we were the first private practice to provide the BIOM powered ankle in our state.
Along with our dedication to technology we posses a broad knowledge of all types of prosthetics. We don't beleive that one device is right for everyone. We take the time to look at the user's life and needs and using this information we help the weraer decide what componentry is correct for their situation.

Upper Extremity Prosthetics
Many advances have been made in upper extremity prosthetics over the years. We strive to stay on top of all technological changes.
As with lower extremity prosthetics, no one product or component is right for every situation. We look at every individual and come up with a treatment plan that will insure maximum restoration of function for the wearer.